The nature of hydrogen-bonding interaction in the prototypic hybrid halide perovskite, tetragonal CH3NH3PbI3
슈퍼관리자 2021-05-21

The nature of hydrogen-bonding interaction in the prototypic hybrid halide perovskite, tetragonal CH3NH3PbI3

  • Authors :

    June Ho Lee, Jung-Hoon Lee, Eui-Hyun Kong, and Hyun Myung Jang

  • Journal :

    Sci. Rep.

  • Vol :


  • Page :


  • Year :



In spite of the key role of hydrogen bonding in the structural stabilization of the prototypic hybrid halide perovskite, CH3NH3PbI3 (MAPbI3), little progress has been made in our in-depth understanding of the hydrogen-bonding interaction between the MA+-ion and the iodide ions in the PbI6-octahedron network. Herein, we show that there exist two distinct types of the hydrogen-bonding interaction, naming α- and β-modes, in the tetragonal MAPbI3 on the basis of symmetry argument and density-functional theory calculations. The computed Kohn-Sham (K-S) energy difference between these two interaction modes is 45.14 meV per MA-site with the α-interaction mode being responsible for the stable hydrogen-bonding network. The computed bandgap (Eg) is also affected by the hydrogen-bonding mode, with Eg of the α-interaction mode (1.73 eV) being significantly narrower than that of the β-interaction mode (2.03 eV). We have further estimated the individual bonding strength for the ten relevant hydrogen bonds having a bond critical point.