Dr. Seho Yi
최고관리자 2021-04-30

Dr. Seho Yi

  • Position at KIST:

    Post-Doc. Researcher

  • Current Position:

    Research Professor, Ewha Womons University

  • Education :

    B. S. Applied Physics, Dankook Unuiversity, 2013

    Ph. D. Physics, Hanyang University, 2020

  • E-mail :

  • Homepage :

  • Research field:

    Density functional theory, condensed-matter physics

A short biography

Seho Yi joined KIST as a post-doc research scientist in February 2021. My research objective is to help solving urgent national needs in sustainable energy, environment, and technology by various techniques; i) first-principles density-functional theory calculation, ii) material searching, and iii) scientific programming (Fortran and Python). Research areas cover various structural, electronic, phononic, and magnetic properties of a broad range of solid-state materials including metals, semiconductors, insulators, and various nanomaterials. In particular, i) I studied nano-physics behind novel two-dimensional structures such as transition-metal dichalcogenides, electrides, and two-dimensional allotropes of various elements. ii) I investigated the bonding, electronic, and phononic properties of the hydride-based high-temperature superconductors. iii) Recently, I try to reveal the microscopic mechanism for phase transitions of the halide perovskites under external perturbations. iv) Also, I’m interested in finding the reaction mechanism of the CO2-captured metal-organic frameworks.
