Ms. Doyeon Kim
최고관리자 2021-04-30

Ms. Doyeon Kim

  • Position at KIST:


  • Current Position:

  • Education :

    B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University (SNU), 2017

    M.S. Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University (SNU), 2020

  • E-mail :

  • Homepage :

  • Research field:

    Web platform for materials modeling and simulation, materials simulation using DFT

A short biography

Hello strangers! Thank you for your attention! I am Doyeon Kim who got my master degree in Materials Science and Engineering and joined KIST as an intern in May 2020. Since my previous research was about development of automation code for density functional theory (DFT) and construction of reliable material database with automation code, my main project is development of simulation web platform. Furthermore, I have extra interest in diverse machine learning techniques. As you might have noticed, I am an engineer looking for the future where researchers pursue full efficiency in their works and devote themselves to more creative tasks or… just have more fun! However, I still love to hang out with classy Physicists and like to hear literally any kind of comment from you so contact me any time! 
