Dr. Jeongrae Kim
최고관리자 2021-04-30

Dr. Jeongrae Kim

  • Position at KIST:

    Post-Doc. Researcher

  • Current Position:

  • Education :

    B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, 2000

    M.S. Defense information management, Korea National Defense University, 2013

    Ph.D. Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Seoul, 2019

  • E-mail :

  • Homepage :

  • Research field:

    Machine learning

A short biography

Dr. Jeongrae Kim joined KIST in April 2019. He majored in machine learning and data mining in the field of computer science. His research interests include big data analysis, machine learning, and new material development. He is focusing on inverse design research for the development of new materials using machine learning technology at KIST.
