Dr. Jung-Hoon Lee
최고관리자 2021-05-12

Dr. Jung-Hoon Lee

  • Position :

    Senior Research Scientist

  • Education :

    B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), 2007

    Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), 2012

    Post-doc. University of Cambridge, 2014-2015

    Post-doc.UC Berekely, 2015-2019

  • E-mail :

  • Homepage :

  • Research field:

    DFT/porous materials/Bigdata

A short biography

Dr. Jung-Hoon Lee received his Ph. D in Materials Science from POSTECH in 2012. After a postdoc at University of Cambridge and UC Berkeley, he joined the KIST staff scientist in 2019. His research work is multidisciplinary. Although he had been trained as a materials scientist during his Ph.D., his subsequent research mainly focused on topics more relevant to condensed matter physics. He did his postdoctoral research in a physics department, but mainly focused on topics more relevant to chemistry and materials science with closely collaborating with experimental research groups. His primary research to date has been focused on the electronic structure theory, including both fundamental and applied aspects of density functional theory (DFT). Recently, he has conducted a research study to better understand the fundamental properties of halide perovskites for solar cells and porous materials (MOF, COF, Zeolite etc) for gas capture using high performance computing techniques. Most recently, he has focused on materials informatics and big data which are enabled to accelerating materials discovery. 
